Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Still can't believe that KesterenRTD directly lied when they told me  in April 2012, that the Seetech pc would let me do everything I always did.

For example, write my blog, visit other blogs, read newspapers, listen to radio, send & receive emails.

What a shock to hear on 8th August, that the software could not cope with passwords which means that I wouldn't be able to stay connected.

The Seetech pc they were leasing via the health insurance was giving them lots of money for a pc which is essentially just a typewriter.

Makes me wonder how many others like who have been lied to and the health insurance who have been defrauded.


Webster said...

I am sso sorry to hear of your troubles with your insurance and getting a proper computer, but now you are blogging again and it's wonderful to see your posts again.

How does it feel writing with your LipStick writer? It seems to be working out well for you.

Anonymous said...

I am incandescent with rage when I think of the crap you have gone through thanks to this company. Bastards.
They robbed you. I do not know how such people sleep at night- in a posh house and a comfortable bed I guess.
Filthy bastards like them should not be allowed to deal with people in desperate need. The instinct to screw every red cent out of every opportunity is too big for them
I am so glad we found a way around them.

Travelogue for the Universe said...

Truly Access Denied, You were Lied to, worse than Lied to, Deceived! So refreshing to see your post...Love, Mary

gareth said...

That is truly appaling
Anyway so glad you have a great solution for staying conected BIG LOVE @ HUGS GXXX

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hello Herrad, greetings and good wishes.

Health Insurance people should have checked before ordering. I think there is a collusion of Health Insurance management and Seetech to make money.

Best wishes

Travelogue for the Universe said...

I have been wanting to get back to your blog...been out of commission for outreach and it is amazing what using a different device changes our habits or ability to connect. I feel like you were abused by losing your voice (ultimate irony as your title begins Access Denied..and also the "draw" I felt) I felt of the millions of blogs available, I followed yours religiously. It always had comments, I made friends worldwide, your skill at writing is refreshing to us who know the MonSter. I needed Real. You are Real. Best wishes, my dear friend. Can your government health insurance reach down into the abyss of their assistive tech fund and pull back the payment to that scam company. They could have paid for a secretary for you and I would still be reading your wise words every day, your art, what's for supper, my routine. I miss my routine....Love to You and Yours...Merry Christmas, Frohliche Weinachten! (it truly is like one of those dark fairy tales...)Mary

Rhapsody Phoenix said...

Season Greetings and Happy New Year.

Sadly profit comes before people and their needs. I am sorry you are experiencing these troubles.

I hope you find a solution soon.

Stay blessed.