Swedish Art.
Had a good day yesterday, Richie and I watched the final day of the Rugby 6 Nations Championship?
It was good fun, we organised my shower so that we managed to see each game, which was great.
We watched Match of the Day later on and then I started to feel very uncomfortable and got boiling hot instantly.
Felt like I could burst into flames, from being happy and comfortable after my shower and a delicious dinner and happily watching the football I suddenly was very unhappy.
At first glance there seemed no problem with the catheter, the bag was half full and there seemed to be a flow.
Richie thought the room had got stuffy so opened the window, that helped so did a drink but I was still feeling and sounding and looking unhappy.
Richie checked the tubing and sure enough there was a tiny kink and as soon as that was sorted the catheter bag started to fill up.
Finally I was feeling better, and could try to relax, Richie was magnificent and removed my sweaty top and sponged me and dried me and put a clean top on me.
Tried to get back into the relaxed state I was in before this 'crisis' happened and it seemed to work, was practically nodding off to sleep just before the light went out.
Sadly as soon as the light went out my brain clicked on and while I was not aware of any thoughts I was very much awake and unable to change the situation.
After what seemed like hours I woke Richie and got a bag of THC, this relaxed me but did not seem to sleep deeply.
Felt like I slept but at the same time I seemed aware of everything around me, probably just light sleep.
Soon as the first leg spasm woke me up, I heard Spike wake up in his crate, and he too started moaning with pain.
Richie got up and came over and reassured Spike and fetched me a bag of THC which I got with a lovely kiss.
After a couple of bags of THC Richie did my leg exercises and massage which makes a big difference to me, it takes a lot of the tension away.
Richie also massaged my hands and put the new pomegranate hand cream on my hands that I got for my birthday.
Soon as I had my Baclofen pills with freshly squeezed apple juice Richie and Marleen went to the park.
Marleen returned extremely happy and has been charging around showing us how happy she is for a proper walk and a swim
Spike and I were both relaxed while the others were out, was very happy Spike took it so well and did not protest.
Think we are all set for a good day, it is beautiful weather out a glorious spring day, and I am enjoying looking at blue sky and seeing sunshine.
All that and football too, Liverpool versus Manchester United, be great if Liverpool won, it looks hopeful as Torres has got the first goal for Liverpool
Come on Liverpool.

Hi Herrad,
I hope the evening is pleasant, interesting how those cath problems can create such uncomfortable times so quickly. Glad Richie could fix it. Hope Spike heals quickly, the plan to delay next surgery is a good one, so he can have a little break from that.
The hand lotion sounds nice, and I am glad you had such a nice birthday too.
I'm so glad that your day turned around Herrad! And Spike seems to be adjusting well too! I hope you enjoy your footie! :)
Hi Stephany,
Today is pleasant, Spike is relaxed, he has adapted well.
I feel for him when he is frustrated he can't move without pain.
Richie is making fresh ravioli for tonights dinner.
Hi Rain,
Thanks for your visit today is good.
Spike is a wonderful brave wee dog.
Thanks both of you for coming by.
Nice to see your comments.
Have a good day.
Herrad - just stopping by to say hello. I hope the Liverpudlians win for you and Richie.
Hope you had a good rest of the day! Hope your fresh ravioli was good - that sounds amazing!
Hi Cranky,
Lovely to see your comment.
Sadly Liverpool lost.
Hi Charisa,
Thanks for coming by. the ravioli was delicious and so was the chocolate ice cream with raisins soaked in rum Richie made.
Thanks both of you for coming by, really nice to see your comments.
Hope your weekends have been pleasant.
Have a good start to the week tomorrow.
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