Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cameron's Attempt To Dismantle Society.

 Antonio Pedro.
From a criminologist point of view the rioting in England is more than just anger at the killing of Mark Duggan in Tottenham, the Conservatives have managed in one year to cause the worst riots in thirty years.

Before the elections last year the now deputy prime minister Nick Clegg said that if the Conservatives got in with a small majority and implemented all their cuts they would trigger Greek style riots.

Now David Cameron the English prime minister has polarised the situation further by saying, that Britain is not just a broken society but it is also a sick one.

He says rioters are sick, funny thing when he was at university he belonged to a posh boys drinking club, the Bullingdon Club whose trademark was terrorising workers.

All millionaires sons, they wore a uniform and regularly smashed up pubs, bars, clubs and restaurants on a fun night out, leaving money for the damages.

David Cameron saw nothing wrong then in smashing up premises and scaring workers, for his and his rich cronies’ enjoyment.

 Now after just one year in government he has reintroduced Margaret Thatcher’s Britain and turned everything back to the 1980’s in his attempt to dismantle society.

By saying the rioters are sick Cameron is trying to get everyone to focus on morality and not on his policies that is creating the feeling of disenfranchisement for huge swathes of society.

Blaming the youths for behaving like the Bullingdon Boys doing anything they can get away with.

1987 at Brasenose College, Oxford which Cameron attended. Although the Labour party accused him of being a member of a secret society,the Bullingdon Club, is far from a secret society. Immortalized as the Bollinger Club by Evelyn Waugh, the Buller usually make its presence known by throwing exclusive yet rambunctious parties.
(1) the Hon. Edward Sebastian Grigg, the heir to Baron Altrincham of Tormarton and current chairman of Credit Suisse (UK)
(2) David Cameron
(3) Ralph Perry Robinson, a former child actor, designer, furniture-maker
(4) Ewen Fergusson, son of the British ambassador to France, Sir Ewen Fergusson and now at City law firm Herbert Smith
(5) Matthew Benson, the heir to the Earldom of Wemyss and March
(6) Sebastian James, the son of Lord Northbourne, a major landowner in Kent
(7) Jonathan Ford, the-then president of the club, a banker with Morgan Grenfell
(8) Boris Johnson, the-then president of the Oxford Union, now Lord Mayor of London
9) Harry Eastwood, the investment fund consultant

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