Henri Rouseau
Classic spring weather today on the last day of March, it is cold and very windy with some angry looking clouds and the occasional beautiful flash of sunshine.
The wind is very brisk and cold, there has been rain, snow and hail and then rain again all interspersed with flashes of sunshine for second’s sometimes even minutes.
I am hoping that the better weather will happen next week as I think this unsettled weather may carry on until the weekend.
Had quite a day today, had Annalies, my consultant from ARCA here today, she brought someone, called Jon from Revacore, the company that supply the equipment.
This was to see if they can adapt my shower chair, as it is too big for me and I hang to the right.
Apparently they can provide extra support, so I should be seeing Harry their support specialist in three weeks time which is good news.
So a successful meeting today.
As soon as Annalies and Jon left Richie whisked me out of bed and into the bathroom and under the shower.
Managed to do some of my leg exercises then Richie put me back into bed ready for Ton and Dr. Smit’s visit a t 17 pm.
They arrived later than we thought at 1 7.25 pm just when we thought they were not coming today.
Glad they did get here today, as the doctor could tell us that the wound was healing well, Doctor Smit says it should be healed in 2 weeks time.
Soon after I should be able to sit again this is a brilliant perspective, we are both very happy.
So by the time that the weather is getting nice I should be mobile again and able to enjoy going out.
I am very happy at this prospect.

Great news Herrad!!!! You had a great day! So we start the two-week countdown? :)))
That is great news, Herrad!! Again the dream of going outdoors is a possibility!
I'm happy for you and Richie, I truly hope this time it happens, and yes the weather will be better than before!
this is happy news!! and spring is just around the corner (can you feel spring fever inside yourself yet??)
Hi Rain,
It has been a good today, football now Arsenal v Barcelona plus red beans, soya and rice and poppadums followed by lemon & lime ice cream with treacle tart.
Hi Stephany,
Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment.
I am looking forward to outside now more than ever.
Think you are right the weather will be even better now.
Thanks you two special friends for coming by and leaving your comments.
Have a good evening.,
Hi Libby,
Thanks dear friend for coming by and leaving your very lovely upbeat comment.
I am very excited and can't hardly wait patiently but I will.
Spring is a great time to get outside again, I can feel spring fever2 for sure.
Have a good evening.
Thanks for sharing your good news Herrad! Reading your blog really brought a smile to my face.
I wish you the best!
Great news!Love, Mary
woo-hoo. I'm so happy for you. The easter bunny brought you 2 early gifts: a safer, more comfortable shower arrangement and a good prognosis on your wound.
I'm certain you've gotten all sorts of good advice, but have you ever investigated colloidal silver spray to aid in speeding up your wound's recovery? I believe it has helped me when my skin has broken down.
Oh let your wound heal while the Spring showers fall. Glad the doctor agrees that it is coming along. [betcha forgot to ask about the tea tree oil - but it'll help!]
Weather is spotty here this week. This morning was some lovely thunder, then some rain, then some sun, then another rumble of thunder, and on and on. tomorrow is supposed to be nice, with the next front moving in tomorrow night.
I just stay in and after reading my blogs, I am crocheting hats and blankies. I learned on youTube! I have three babies being born to my nieces in the April, May and July.
Hi Herrad!
Great news for you! I'm happy about that :)
Here the weather is rainy and i hope it will get better for Easter...
By the way, I love Russeau...
Have a great Easter, many hugs,
So glad for you Herrad. May the healing take fast.
I like these paintings you have posted. Modern art I don 't understand
Hi Dan,
Thanks for your visit and comment and smiles.
Hi Mary,
Thanks for your visit and encouraging comment.
Hi Weeble,
Good to see you comment, thanks for coming by.
The appointments were useful and should produce good practical results.
Thanks for the tip, I have never heard about colloidal silver spray before.
Hi Webster,
Thanks for your comment and visit.
We are very happy with the doctors judgment.
Can't wait to get outside again with Richie and the dogs.
Happy crocheting.
Hi Justyna,
Lovely to see you comment, thanks for your visit.
Will visit your gorgeous blog soon.
Hope your weekend is good.
Hi Amrita,
Glad to see your comment, thanks for your visit.
Hope you like some of the other pictures too.
Thanks all you nice people for coming by.
Gave me a huge boost seeing your comments.
Have a good weekend.
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