Last night I slept very well, had been worried whether I could and would sleep, probably because of writing the letters, did the two important ones on my own, all the Dutch spelling was good.
Our neighbour Willes checked it and said it was good, I sent it per e-mail and this morning Richie went to the Post Office and sent them registered mail.
Have noticed that my confidence has really increased a hell of a lot, since the news that the wound is healed.
It has been noticeable that when I sit in the shower chair I can hold myself a touch better, I brace my hands on my knees and push my back up against the back of the chair, using both back muscles as well as stomach muscles.
My Physiotherapist reckons that a boost in confidence can improve my condition and make exercises easier and more effective.
She likes the idea of me sitting up at the edge of the bed and for Richie to support me, her advice is something for my feet to rest on to stabilise me.
We shall try it later on, feeling a lot more optimistic about life since last Wednesday.
Have been enjoying putting together a guide to some favourite shops and markets in Amsterdam and was surprised that suddenly now I know there is a real prospect of going out again.
Really good to re-orientate myself in Amsterdam and to realise how accurate my memories are really looking forward to the sounds, smells and sights of Amsterdam.
Yesterday I read Marc’s post on his blog
Here is an excerpt from the excellent post which is well worth reading, Marc's blog is excellent, love reading his posts and seeing his video clips of his trips around New York.
''The only power the past has on you is the power you allow it to have. You must take full ownership of all of the positives that you've experienced and accomplished, learn from all of the negatives, and then kick those negatives to the curb. Forever.''
Read this has confirmed and boosted me tremendously thanks Marc.
Today after the huge electric storm last night there are blue skies and sunshine today which has lifted my spirits even more.
Going to sit and look out of the window and day dream about rolling down the road one day soon.
Happy prospects.
Hi Herrad! It's so nice to read your enthusiasm! I know from experience that once you get a confidence boost, that things tend to improve and you just feel better! Even the things that bothered me a whole lot before are insignificant when I feel confident! I'm glad to know that you are going to try sitting today, I hope it goes well, be strong!!!!! And thanks for posting Marc's link, I love reading inspirational stories!
It's sunny and windy here, Canadian Thanksgiving today, I have so much to be thankful for!
"Take full power of the positives", what a great piece to read, thanks Herrad. It might be a good idea for all of us to write a list of accomplishments to remind ourselves of those in times that we feel negative or lacking optimism.
I'm really excited for you to get outside, what a fun thing now to plan the outing! and places to go etc.
Hi Rain,
Everything went well today, it was good to get Mathilde's advice about something under my feet to stabilise me.
Hope you had a good day today.
Hi Stephany,
Had alot of fun today thinking about the places I want to see again and hoping it will be soon.
Thanks both of you dear friends for coming by really cheers me up each time I see your comments.
Have a good day tomorrow.
That confidence comes through in your writing. Great reading!
I hope you enjoyed daydreaming while looking out the window today. I'm also glad you finished all those (hopefully) convincing letters and set them off.
I like a good lightening storm - I find it exciting and a little scary. The only thing going on around here is that it has turned cool and windy with the promise of rain for the rest of the week.
Get stonger! (Hi Richie!)
p.s. You sound good today!
Hi Herrad:)
It's wonderful to read that you are in an upbeat mood and looking forward to better days. It is truly amazing to read how beautifully you cope with so many adversities with positive thinking and unbridled optimism. Visiting your post is always an inspiration. The photos are beautiful and speaks volumes of the fascinating city you live in.
God bless you Herrad and grant you all happiness:)
Hi Herrad:
Great post! Glad you are doing so much better mentally and I know each day your spirits will be lifted.
Do you have canals right outside your window? I see 4 story homes there. What a great view!!!
If you can't sit for too long, I wish there was a way to put your bed closer to the window. That is so uplifting for your spirits!
It won't be long now until you are out and about!
Hi! Herrad Yes forget the past and look forward to the future. I can see you rolling down the round very soon.
Hi Cranky,
Glad you enjoyed reading my post.
I am feeling alot more cheerful and confident since last week Wednesday.
Hi Webster,
Daydreaming about real pssibilities was good.
All the letters are gone now, hopefully with good feedback too.
Here it is cold and sunny.
Hi Joseph,
Lovely to see your comment , it is a pleasure to get a comment from you.
Hi Anne,
Glad you liked the post, I am feeling be tt er since the boos tof the good news t hat finally the pressure sore is healed up.
Sadly no canals by our building, I see t he side of the Fijnhout theatre across the road.
There are canals all around us but not our street.
Thanks all you lovely friends for coming by and giving me a boost, it is much apprpeciated.
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