Mexican Art.
Tomorrow it is already a month ago that BobRobert, Steve's partner @ The Wheel of Fortuna died.
I find it hard to believe that he is dead, but I guess that's life we really do not and can not know what lies ahead for any of us.
I have come to learn that there is no point in spending any time trying to second guess the future, because that is a waste of time.
Life is too short I think to be wasted and needs to be enjoyed while we can which is right here and now.
Sometimes that is not an easy thing to do, it really is mind over matter, life is after all to do with how we see things.
So I have to get my perspective right and everything will fall into place, if I am negative then all I see will be negative.
But if I am positive everything looks better, its almost like looking through rose tinted glasses, when I am feeling positive life is better then there is no time to be sad.
Not one second and not even about thinking about death, we are not immortal so death happens it is part of the cycle of life.
I am not going to cry now about dying, I am going to live now and enjoy now and celebrate BobRobert's life with some of my favourite Jackson Brown tracks.

Beautiful tribute and lesson in healthy living. These Days is my favorite. Have a great weekend and beyond.Love, Mary
Love the music, Herrad. I agree with everything you said in this post. We can worry about things we can't control, or we can live life as well as we can. Living in the moment is all any of us have.
Hi Mary,
Thanks for your visit, glad you like the tribute to BR.
Had almost forgotten about Jackson Brown, heard his name mentioned on a music programm and looked him up on youtube.
Used to play him lots in the 80's.
Hi Nancy,
Thanks for your visit and comment, glad you like the music too. Jackson Brown is excellent.
It is nice to refind an old favourite.
Thanks both of you dear friends for coming by.
Have a good weekend.
Hi David,
Thanks for coming by, I was interested to do you survey.
But after doing a few questions had to conclude that this was not applicable to me.
My blog is about living with MS not about improving my health, if only I could I would.
I would like to wish you every sucess.
Beautiful, Herrad.
Hi Sherry,
Thanks, glad you liked the tribute to BobRobert.
Big hugs to yuo.
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