Monday, August 20, 2012

A Pleasant Distraction.

Roberto Matta.

This afternoon Matilda my physiotherapist mentioned that it was cooler outside than it was in here despite the air conditioning being on.

When Richie leaned out of the window to check, he discovered that she was correct and indeed it was cooler outside than inside.

It was nice to turn the air conditioning off after four days of having it switched on in the doorway of the bedroom.

Most of the hot air generated by the air conditioning unit is removed by the extractor fan which is on in the toilet, some escapes into the hall.

Because we cannot install it properly so that the hot air goes outside, it becomes extremely hot in the hall which comes into the bedroom as well.

So I am not only warmer because I'm further from the air conditioning unit, I am also feeling the hot air.

Right now I am leaning dramatically to the left as if I were surfing, a pleasant fantasy maybe, sadly the reality is uncomfortable.

When Richie is back from the Park with the dogs I will call him immediately to correct how I am sitting, luckily I can still use my voice recognition.

There is something quite amusing about writing today’s piece almost lying down, despite all the problems I've managed to write it.


Anonymous said...

Waarom nemen jullie geen contact op met de glasspecialist, die zou in een van de ramen het diameter kunnen uitsnijden en dan kan daar de slang van de airco naar buiten gehangen worden. In de winter is het vast wel dicht te maken met een plaatje.
Alleen zal je er een nieuwe ruit in moeten zetten als je ooit verhuisd , denk ik, maar dat lijkt me van latere zorg.
glasspecialist zit niet zo ver bij jullie vandaan, Da Costakade

Travelogue for the Universe said...

Thinking of you all and nice to get some fresh cool air. You need an engineer. You have the inspiration! Best wishes on the coming week. Love, Mary

Karen said...

Oh, wouldn't it be great to really be surfing! I'm glad you managed to write your post. I hope the weather stays cool for you.

Pretty Zesty said...

Hi Herrad,

I'm glad the weather is nice. It got cooler here in NYC a bit too. So pleasant when the air conditioning can come off and the windows can be opened! Be well.

♥ kristen ♥

Herrad said...

Hallo Anonymous,
bedankt voor jou commentaar.
Ik begrijp dat zonder een google account is men onbekend, maar dat weerhoudt je niet om te ondertekenen met je naam wat veel vriendelijker is. Ik hoop dat de volgende keer jij hier naam schrijft. Ik vind het ook raar om dat jij kennelijk ons kent. Maar niet genoeg om te weten dat wij niet in het glas mogen snijden, dat is verboden door onze verhuurder. Hier is de link naar mijn blog in het Nederlands
liefs, Herrad

Hello anonymous,
thank you your comment, I know that without a Google account one is anonymous, but that does not prevent you from signing with your name, that would be friendlier. I would appreciate it if the next time you signed your name.
I find it very strange that you did not use your name especially as you seem to know us. However not well enough to know that we cannot cut a hole in a window, that is not permitted by our landlord.
Love, Herrad