Saturday, August 25, 2012

An Enjoyable Day Despite The Weather.

Roberto Matta

Today's weather is such a contrast to how it was last week Saturday, then it was a scorching hot day with temperatures above 35°.

We have had occasional glimpses of tiny bits of blue sky, which quickly changed to thick cloud cover and torrential rain.

Richie told me that when he went out around 11 o'clock this morning it was pleasantly warm outside despite how it looked.

Which was like an April day and not a day in August, I hope that Richie was safe from the downpour of rain inside the Turkish shop where he went to do the shopping.

I'm looking forward to him coming back laden with goodies, hopefully there will be a lovely selection of soft fruits, as well as delicious Turkish soft goats cheese.

Angela brought a couple of tins of hard cod’s roe, which Richie is going to make some delicious Greek taramasalata with, something I like very much.

He says that he will also make some Greek humus and to go with both, there will be roasted vegetables, aubergine, paprika, garlic as well salad and cubes of Tempe, Tofu and Turkish flatbread.

It sounds like a delicious meal I would love to eat it right now; Richie got back from his shopping expedition and managed to avoid the rain which is brilliant.

I was so happy when Richie walked in; it was lovely to see him, as soon as the apartment door opened the dogs went wild with excitement at seeing him again.

They all started running around and playing with their toys to show Richie and me what lovely dogs they are.

Despite the constant pain and discomfort I slept well last night and did not have such a bad time waking up as I usually do.

Now I'm going to stop writing and choose a picture from Roberto Matta, a wonderful surrealist artist from Chile, then I can relax.                                                                              

1 comment:

Travelogue for the Universe said...

Trying to catch up on my reading. I love coming to your blog, where I have always been accepted and welcome. I have many visitors, many owed to you, Herrad, who masterfully commands blogs in many languages and cultures. You Command your life brilliantly from the confines of this MonSter DisEase.Less people comment because of the spammers and yet I know you have many appreciative loyal readers. You and Richie also are teaching me close up, how to deal with my disease. I have hope that I can cope if the time comes for more personal care. And I attribute that to your guidance. Have a great week, hope the weather perks up a bit. Did a video of starlings roosting for Richie, will post after I edit. Love, mary