Monday, January 24, 2011

All Go For Two Days.


The Elephant Celebes.

Sadly our two friends, Gareth and Paul seem to have both got colds, so we will not be able to see them again this visit.

A real shame but I can not risk getting a cold, not when I am just recovering from influenza.

We are all very sad about this but nothing we can do about this.

I have a busy couple of days coming up, tomorrow my bed gets changed.

Same bed except I can sit right up, which allows me to sit better.           
Then once the people have put the control panel on the bed I can try it out.

Then my wheelchair gets collected art 15.00 so the steering can be put in the Perspex wheelchair table.

On Wednesday I will get cushions to help me maintain a stable position in bed.        

All go for two days.              


janis said...

So sorry you cant get together with your friends, but, yes, best not to take a chance!
Busy days indeed! I hope you will have a chance to blog!
Love to you my friend.

Rhapsody Phoenix said...

Just checking in. congrats on the cushions hope they live up to your expectations.

have a good day

Travelogue for the Universe said...

Forward progress is always good. I like the automation concept. We all want more control. Best wishes. Reading posts backwards. Neglected my reading a few days. Love, Mary

Herrad said...

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for your visits and much appreciated comments.
Which was really lovely to see them.