Marleen is sitting upright by the window scanning the road, looking for signs of the return of Spike and Richie.
Gareth's Photos From Wales.
Richie has taken Spike off to his appointment with the Orthopaedic specialist, hope that the report won't be so bad, and hope that the news will be relatively good.
Want so much for our little doggie to be getting better, that is what we both hope to hear.
Neither of us has liked our little Spike not being able to do everything he used to do, feel strange, not seeing a mad wee face staring up at me from the edge of my bed.
Until the inflammation in the knee really got to him, Spike was 100% no, not true; he was there for 110 %.
It was a month ago; now, that we really noticed something was not alright with our lovely Spike.
Heartbroken seeing him right now and knowing what he has been like right up to the moment we realised that something was not ok with our wee doggie.
Richie noticed Spike was not alright in the park, when he was uncharacteristically pushing to go home and go home very quickly.
Something he would have to be totally cream crackered to give up and push for Richie to put him on his lead and put him in the bike bags and take him home.
Richie has just phoned from outside the specialist’s office to say it is not serious as he had thought, but Spike has to stay in the cage or bench as they call it here, for a month.
Poor wee dog seems his kneecap is loose and the old back injury is playing up again, the specialist thinks that a month’s rest will do him good.
Not nice news that we have to lock our little hero up for a month but if it will help him then I am all for it.
Think Richie needs to get some big bones from the pet shop for Spike to distract him from his incapacity and imprisonment and to keep him from going nuts when Richie takes Marleen for her walks.
They are back; Spike came walking in like the returning hero, not looking forward to Richie getting the metal cage from our shed.
Whatever we will make it as happy a time for the wee dog as possible, it is a grey day brighter since we know Spike can get better.
I intend to relax and enjoy the film reviews shortly on BBC Radio 5 with Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo.

Oh poor little Spike! It's hard to crate them! I have to do that with both my guys now when I leave because they could hurt themselves otherwise. But he could still sit with you on your bed couldn't he Herrad? Just as long as he's not running around?
Hi Rain,
It is hard to put him in the crate but we have to so he gets better.
He can come on my bed and even go for a walk but must not jump up.
My dog, Bella, had to have her knee area replaced. It was called a Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy. She had to be quiet for six weeks. Walked on leash to use the backyard and right back in the house. The next six weeks were the same but she was using her leg better. Now, she can go out back by herself but I get her back in the house. She can do stairs now but no running. She went for her first walk last weekend.
A long road but so worth it.
It's do able is what I'm saying ...
Hi JC,
You are right about it being worthwhile.
Hope Bella is 100% better soon.
Have a good weekend.
Hugs to Spike! chew bones will be a good idea, I think too.
Hi Stephany,
Spike seems to have gone quieter now poor wee thing.
Will cuddle him on my lap later on before we sleep.
Keep warm.
Big hugs.
I'm so glad Spike will be able to heal and get better, getting him to rest is the hard part. I'm glad he is home, since few things beat having the love and company of a beloved pet, or in my case, 7 indoor cats :-). Take care!
Love, Meg
Hi Meg,m
Thanks for your visit, comment and good wishes.
Spike is calmer no, the wee sweetheart.
Keep warm.
Crate rest seems like a trial, but if it helps it's easier on everybody than surgery or drugs. The Zoomdoggies hope that Spike is soon back to his old self!
Hi Zoomdoggies,
Thanks for your visit and sweet comment and good wishes.
It is very upsetting when our lovely little troupers are hurting.
Catfish and Annie send you all their love and well wishes especially Spike.
Wow that is tough. Hope you have a better weekend and Spike gets better soon! Love, Mary
okay...thi has nothing to do with ur post...i was looking at ur pictures. Is that what it's like over there now?? that is too mcuh snow for me...just looking at them makes me cold. :-)
So happy it was not too serious. Hopefully you little guy will be better soon. He's so lucky to have such loving and caring "parents."
Hi Jan,
You are right it is very upsetting when our little sweethearts get ill.
Thanks for your good wishes.
Hi Mary,
Poor Spike he is rather upset right now being in the crate all the time.
Hi Stacey,
The pictures are photos from friends of ours in Wales.
The snow here was never as thick and is all gone now.
Hi Nancy,
Thanks for your good wishes.
Thanks all of you for coming by and leaving your good wishes for Spike recovery.
Really appreciate your comments.
Keep warm.
Have a good weekend.
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