Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Wonderfully Relaxed Sunday.

Roberto Matta.

On Friday night I asked Richie for my duvet as it was too cold for me to sleep another night with just two blankets in a duvet cover.

Up until yesterday, it had been enough however now it cold enough for extra cover to be needed.

Yesterday when Richie went out he was glad that he put on his long johns as well as a warm jumper under his coat; it was a very cold enough for gloves.

When he returned, I heard that it was extremely cold outside and there was already a blast cold arctic wind.

Despite cold weather our good friend Lin, who runs British General Stores on the 1e Constantijn Huygensstraat, Amsterdam came by with some things from the shop for us.

The lovely little picture book shop is on the corner of the Overtook, it is well worth a visit as it’s a charming shop.    

Lin brought us everything I asked for on the phone, which were tins of delicious smoked Cornish pilchards, oatcakes, HP sauce, vegetarian suet, pickled onions and lemon and ginger tea bags.

She gave us something to try it was a new product in her shop which was a hot pepper sauce made with roasted peppers.

It is a very hot sauce with a lovely smoky flavour due to the fact that the peppers were roasted one drop or two is all that's needed to give a wonderful smoky barbecue flavour to any dish.

Lin told that she had 5 more all from the same company; Richie and I are keen to try them all out as we love hot sauces.

Contrary to thinking hot pepper sauce does not overwhelm the other flavours in fact it brings out the flavour of the food which is why we like it so much.

Late last night we watch the days of football games on Match of the Day which was packed with exciting games.

At the moment Richie has taken the dogs for a quick run around the Rembrandt Park from which they will be returning shortly hungry for their dinners.

As soon as they've had their dinner, Richie will serve our dinner which at the moment is in the oven, I can smell the delicious aroma.

We're eating baked potatoes, cauliflower cheese and a delicious salad followed by fresh fruit, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries.

After the late news tonight there is another addition of Match of the Day so we can see the games that were played today.

I'm looking forward to finding in other piece of artwork from Roberto Matta and seeing Richie, the dogs and enjoying dinner and the football later on.

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